Ex-participante de reality show culinário “Top Chef” morre aos 29 anos

A chef de cozinha paquistanesa Fatima Ali, ex-participante da 15ª temporada do reality show culinário “Top Chef,” morreu aos 29 anos em decorrência de um câncer no último sábado (26).

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A chef de cozinha paquistanesa Fatima Ali, ex-participante da 15ª temporada do reality show culinário “Top Chef,” morreu aos 29 anos em decorrência de um câncer no último sábado (26). Segundo o tabloide Daily Mail, Fatima foi diagnosticada em 2017 com sarcoma de Ewing, que é uma forma de tumor ósseo maligno, um câncer nos ossos.

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Fatima was at home with us, surrounded by her loved ones and beloved cat Mr. Meow, when she left us in the early hours of the morning. When someone as bright and young and vivacious as our Fati passes, the only metaphor that seems to fit is that of a star—a beacon in the darkness, a light that guides us, on which to make wishes, from which to weave dreams. For all the comfort and beauty they offer us, stars, too, are impermanent. This morning a great one was snuffed out. Though she’s no longer here with us, her spirit will continue to steer us. We hope that you, too, will listen to her lessons: Live your life as she did—to the fullest. Pursue your passion; spread love and joy; be kind and forgiving; be generous; enjoy every morsel—from humble street food to decadent fine dining; cook for the people you love. Travel the world and seek out adventure. Help others and don’t be afraid to take the road less taken. Fatima will always be a part of us, and in fact if you look deep enough, you may find your own inner Fati. If you’re lucky enough to find her there, trust her, listen to her, because she will change your life for the better. We’ve learned a great deal over the course of her illness, not only pragmatic lessons we wish we hadn’t needed to learn about her disease and our health system, but about the immense love of which people are capable; about the power of being true to yourself; about how we can be better if we model ourselves after someone like her. We want to thank everyone from the bottom of our now broken hearts. We’re eternally grateful for the unending support, love, and generosity shown by people along the way—from random strangers we passed on the street who would tell her how much they admire and respect her; to all her doctors and nurses who did their best; the chefs and hospitality friends who are now part of our extended family; and the big wigs that reached out to see how they can make her dreams a reality. This has been a truly humbling experience for us all and even in her last chapter as she began to leave us, Fatima showed us how we should live.

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A apresentadora americana Ellen DeGeneres foi uma das celebridades que lamentou a morte da chef, e compartilhou uma foto de Fátima em seu Instagram, declarando: “Tive a sorte de compartilhar essa visita com o Chef Fati. Eu gostaria de poder compartilhar mais. Enviando tanto amor para sua família. Espero que eles encontrem conforto em saber quanta luz ela trouxe para o mundo”.

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I was lucky to share this visit with @cheffati. I wish I could have shared more. Sending so much love to her family. I hope they find comfort in knowing how much light she brought to the world.

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